Sunday, March 10, 2013

Sparring Session #1

I know that this post is a day late, but I still would like to comment on my sparring experience with my father. As I have previously mentioned, he is a very experienced karate practitioner (karateka) and has taught me before, when I was very young. We sparred many times several years ago and it was not pretty because I was not that competent of a fighter. This session went a little bit differently.

We first warmed up before we sparred, which meant that we practiced kicks and he spoke to me about strategy in a fight and what to do in certain scenarios. He also specifically mentioned that I need to work on how and where I place my kicks. For example, he said that I need to come up and under my opponent's guard when I do my front snap kick, or make my roundhouse kicks come from the outside more and make them more "round." Another thing that he said was that I need to focus on my kick placement during Karate class so that I can learn to control my kicks and have more balance.

The actual sparring went pretty well. I took quite a few hits, but I am a lot better at blocking strikes than I was several years ago. Grant it, I still can't really block strikes that are extremely fast and come over the top of my head. My father is extremely fast and those types of strikes are difficult to anticipate. Something to note however, is that this sparring is only really boxing-based, meaning that my father and I aren't using kicks. We still need to find foot gear so that it'll be a lot safer.

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