Friday, March 1, 2013

Blog Response #1

As part of my project, I am occasionally required to respond to other blogs from my classmates who also are in the WISE program.

Blog: Musical Creativity
Blogger: Joon Park

I read through Joon's blog and I find his project very admirable. He is working on his musical composition skills which is something I can relate to since I compose and improvise music when I play the piano. His blog was very organized and his plans very thorough which makes me feel like I should work harder at making my blog more comprehensive. Being a composer, I can relate to some of the stuff that Joon is doing and I may ask him more about it to expand my abilities as well.

Joon mentioned contemporary composition several times throughout his blog. Many people find this style of music very unappealing because it does not sound like what they are used to hearing. I personally find contemporary music a little difficult to listen to and prefer to listen to instrumentals or video game soundtracks. 

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